
DCRM Editorial Guidelines and Errata

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Saved by Erin Blake
on September 30, 2013 at 10:35:15 pm

DCRM Editors are asked to note corrections needed and changes made using this wiki.

(This wiki replaces the ACRL wiki, which is slated for demolition)


Integrity of DCRM text

Basic idea: do not change wording in future modules unless it clarifies an ambiguity, corrects a mistake, or needs changes for material-specific reasons (more information)


Discussion of Proposed Changes

  • Corrections of typos and formatting errors are considered minor, and need not be discussed; DCRM editors should add them directly to this wiki (and be sure to "watch this page" in order to get a notification of the change)

  • Proposed DCRM changes and discussion topics should be brought to the attention of the DCRM Steering Group, either by sending e-mail to any member (see http://www.rbms.info/committees/bibliographic_standards/dcrm/dsg/dsg.html) or posted to the Steering Group's attention on DCRM-L.
  • A Steering Group member will create a page for the topic on the publicly-visible DCRM Steering Group Wiki at http://dcrmsg.pbworks.com and notify other Steering Group members.
  • Editorial issues and changes will be handled within the steering group and posted (publicly) to the DCRM Editorial Guidelines Wiki at http://wikis.ala.org/acrl/index.php/DCRM_Editorial_Guidelines
  • The Steering Group will bring substantive issues to DCRM-L for community discussion before sending a formal recommendation to the BSC for a vote. 

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