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Introduction errata
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last edited
by krtaylor459@gmail.com 4 years, 6 months ago
- Rule numbering and titles taken from DCRM(B) first printing
- Module code in parentheses before rule number indicates location of original text to be changed; module code after description of needed change indicates that the change has been made in that module; module code after plus "n/a" means change has been verified as not applicable to that module
- Because subsequent printings are based on an entirely new text supplied by BSC but Cataloger's Desktop is updated manually, there is occasionally a discrepancy between print and online that is to be noted and CD to be given the correction
- Additions to text are shown underlined; deletions are shown struck through
- Codes:
- {B, B1}, B2, B3, B4 = Books, first through fourth printings; "not done" indicates that the intended change was inadvertently not made
- C = Cartographic
- G = Graphics
- M = Music
- MSS = Manuscripts
- S = Serials
- CD = Cataloger's Desktop
I.1. Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials
- (B) "...is the first one of several a family of manuals..." (S)(G)(C)(MSS) (B4)
- (B)(S) footnote: "Rarity in the narrow sense of "scarce" "scarcity"..." (G)(C)(MSS but incorporated footnote into the rule per G and "Editorial conventions (general)")(M n/a) (B4, incorporating text into rule)
- Deleted last two sentences, now obsolete: "DCRM component manuals ... developed." (B4)
- (B) Italicize text: "Together, these manuals form Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (DCRM) ..." (B4)
II.1. AACR2, ISBD(A), and other cataloging documentation
- "...other authorized thesauri controlled vocabularies as appropriate..." (G)(C)(MSS) (B4: also removed italics from "Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online" and eliminated phrase "as appropriate")
III. Objectives and principles
- (B)(S) add after sentence about FRBR and Svenonius: "As such, the objectives and principles are also in conformity with the IFLA Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (2009)." (B3v; CD not done)(G) (C: added as: "As such, the objectives and principles are also in conformity with the IFLA Statement of International Cataloguing Principles." after consultation with DJL and EB)(MSS n/a)(G)(M--as in G) (B4--as in C)
III.2.4. Rules provide for the inclusion of all elements of bibliographical significance
- (B)(S) "The tension between rules for rare materials that promote the requirements of accurate representation of an item and yet do not exceed the requirements of sufficiency is great. Reference to the principle of user convenience may offer correct resolution of such tensions tension." [EB: re-wording needn't be this, but it does need to be something](G)(C)(MSS n/a)(M) (B4: Reworded to "A natural tension exists The tension between ... sufficiency is great.)
III.2.5. Rules conform to the substance and structure...
- (B)(S) "Rules conform to the substance and structure of the latest final revision of AACR2 to the extent possible" [As requested by Dave Reser of LC PSD when reviewing G for approval] (G)(C)(MSS n/a) (B4)
- (B)(S) Deleted reference to ISBD(A) since it is obsolete. (C)(G n/a)(MSS n/a)(M) (B4: retained references to ISBD(A) because it is still accurate for B)
IV. Options
- (S) Change quotation marks around "Optionally" from italic to normal (B3v; CD not done)(G)(C)(MSS)(M)
- (S) Change quotation marks around "If considered important" from italic to normal (B3v; CD not done)[DJL added 2012.02.01](G n/a)(C n/a)(MSS)(M)
V. Language preferences
- (B)(S) "...should replace instructions and guidelines prescribing or implying the use of English into with counterparts in their preferred language." (G)(C)(MSS)(M) (B4)
VI. Spelling and style
- (B)(S) "...uses the most recent edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary , eleventh edition, as its authority in matters of spelling and in matters of style, the fifteenth edition of the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style as its authority in matters of style. [approved by DCRM Steering Group Feb. 12, 2013; revised per email decision 3/31/13] (C)(MSS)(G)(M) (B4)
VII. Acronyms
- (B)(S) "Monographic Bibliographic Record Program of the PCC" (G)(C)(MSS n/a)(M) (B4)
- (B)(S) Deleted reference to ISBD(A) since it is obsolete. (C)(MSS)(G n/a)(M) (B4: retained references to ISBD(A) because it is still accurate for B))
- Add "ISBD" to list of Acronyms (S)(G)(C)(M)(B3)(MSS)(M) (B4)
- (B) Italicize the entries for DCRB, DCRM and DCRM(B): "Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books", "Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials" and "Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books)" (B4)
VIII.2. Notes
- (B)(S) Change all quotation marks from italic to normal (B3)(C n/a)(MSS)(G)(M)
- (B)(S) ""Note" indicates that the note is required if applicable to the situation." (B3v)(G)(C, as noted above)(MSS)(M)
- (B)(S) ""Optional note" indicates that the note is not required. The labeling of a note as "optional" in these rules carries no judgment about its importance (see introductory section IV); certain notes designated as "optional" may in fact be almost universally applied." (MSS)(M) (B3)
- (B)(S) ""Local note" indicates a note describing copy-specific information not affecting areas 1-6 which that is required if applicable to the situation ... . It must be clearly identified as a local note according to the provisions of 7B19.1.1/7B22.1.1. Copy-specific information that does affect areas 1-6, such as basing the description on an imperfect copy (see .... ), is required and recorded in a general note." (B4) (C)(MSS n/a)(M)
- (B)(S) ""Optional local note" indicates that the note concerns describing copy-specific information not affecting areas 1-6. It is not required, but must be clearly identified as a local note according to the provisions of 7B19.1.1/7B22.1.1. Copy-specific information that does affect areas 1-6, such as basing the description on an imperfect copy (see 0B2.2/0B2.5), is required and recorded in a general note." (B4: the a note)(G n/a) (C, as noted above)(MSS n/a)(M)
- (B)(S) ""Comment" prefaces details needed to adequately explain the example, and are not to be confused with notes appearing within the bibliographic description. Such comments are not to be confused with notes appearing within the bibliographic description." (G)(C)(MSS)(M)(B4)
X. Precataloging decisions
- (B1)(S) Styles for subheadings all need to be bumped down a level: X=Header2 / X1=Header3 / X1.1 = Normal+Bold (B4)(G)(C)(MSS cf. IX)(M n/a)
X.1.3. Encoding level...
(B3) X.1.4. Encoding level: DCRM(C) minimal vs. core vs. full
Determine whether the description will be done at a minimal, core, or full level (C) (et al.?) (B4)
(B) "Because name and subject headings may be lacking, the materials represented by these records may be inaccessible through all but known-item searches, and so this level of cataloging should be used only after careful consideration." (S n/a)(G n/a)(C) (B4)
- (B)(S) "...other authorized thesauri controlled vocabularies..." (G)(C)(MSS) (B4: also removed italics from "Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online" and eliminated phrase "as appropriate")
- (B) footnote: "If an institution is a BIBCO participant contributing full-level records as part of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), all name and title headings must be established in the LC/NACO Authority File and LC/SACO Authority Filesall subject and genre/form headings must come from an established thesaurus, list, or subject heading system recognized by the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data." [As requested by Dave Reser of LC PSD when reviewing G, with language taken from the BSR: BIBCO requires authorized 6XX headings, but doesn't specify any particular controlled vocabulary] (G)(C)(M with addition: or, in the case of LCSH music subject headings governed by pattern headings and not officially established in the authority file, to conform to the rules for LCSH.) NEW WORDING per Kate James, of LC PSD 6/11/15: "If an institution is a BIBCO participant contributing full-level records as part of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), all name and title headings must should be established in the LC/NACO Authority File in accordance with PCC practice and all subject and genre/form ..." ["The big issue is that not all title or name/title heading must be established in the authority file according to DCM Z1"--Kate James] (MSS)(C)(B4)
- (B) Delete entire 3rd paragraph: "DCRM(B) core level provides for ... see Appendix C" (B4)
X.2. Factors to consider...
- (B)(S) "Factors to consider in making these precataloging decisions" [As requested by Dave Reser of LC PSD when reviewing G, since referent for "these decisions" was so far away] (G)(C)(MSS)(M)(B4; also changed style to Header3)
Introduction errata
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