
Area 1 errata

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Saved by Nancy Lorimer
on July 26, 2015 at 6:38:37 pm


  • Rule numbering and titles taken from DCRM(B) first printing 
  • Module code in parentheses before rule number indicates location of original text to be changed; module code after description of needed change indicates that the change has been made in that module; module code after plus "n/a" means change has been verified as not applicable to that module
  • Because subsequent printings are based on an entirely new text supplied by BSC but Cataloger's Desktop is updated manually, there is occasionally a discrepancy between print and online that is to be noted and CD to be given the correction
  • Additions to text are shown underlined; deletions are shown struck through
  • Codes:
    • B, B1, B2, B3 = Books, first through third printings; "not done" indicates that the intended change was inadvertently not made (Please be aware that editing this list as a result of the 3rd printing of DCRM(B) is still in progress.) Temp: b3v
    • C = Cartographic
    • G = Graphics
    • M = Music
    • MSS = Manuscripts
    • S = Serials
    • CD = Cataloger's Desktop


Title and statement of responsibility


1A2.2. Omission of pious invocations, etc. 

  • (B)(S) Add "statements of privilege" to list of items to be silently omitted: "Such information may include pious invocations, quotations, devices, announcements, epigrams, mottoes, statements of privilege, prices, etc." per discussion of DCRM(C) DP3 at ALA Annual 2010. (C)(G) Per DSG meeting June 20, 2013, this rule belongs in Area 0.
  • (B)(S) Delete rule entirely per DSG meeting June 20, 2013. Content belongs in area 0 instead. (Exception: Manuals for non-textual material, especially G, can retain it as a reference from "sources of information" to the instructions in 1B, on transcribing titles. It essentially says "this stuff isn't usually a source of information for the title, but if for some reason it needs to be, follow the instructions in 1B5.1 [in G's numbering].") (C; deleted all and renumbered subsequent rule)(MSS n/a)(M deleted)


1B1.1. Words considered part of the title proper 

  • (B)(S) Revise 2nd sentence, per DSG decision 2014-02-28: "... is considered part of the title proper if it is grammatically inseparable from the chief title." (C; cf. 1B2.1) (MSS; cf. 1C2.1)(M)



  • (B) Revised sentence, per DSG decision 2014-02-28: "Title proper inclusive of grammatically inseparable other titles or other title information appearing before the chief title on the title page". (C; cf. 1B4.1)(MSS n/a)(M, though title page replaced with "chief source of information")

  • (B) Delete first two examples (beginning "Seculum" and "Prize") (C n/a)(MSS n/a)


1B3.2. Title proper inclusive of an alternative titles title

  • (B)(S) "title proper inclusive of an alternative titles" (made singular because only the 2nd title in the title proper is the alternative title). (G left as-is: it's the heading for a genre, and there could theoretically be a title with multiple alternatives)(C; cf. 1B4.2)(MSS n/a)


1B3.4. Title proper inclusive of a caption

  • (B) Delete entire rule and example, per DSG decision, 2014-02-14 (C)(MSS n/a)(M)


1B6. Title proper with supplementary or section designation or title

  • (B1) "Separate the parts of the title proper by periods." [because that's covered in Prescribed punctuation]; replace "If the arrangement indicated requires transposition, make a note to indicate the actual reading of the titles" with "Make a note to indicate the original position on the title page of any transposed elements" (B3)(S; cf. 1B5)(G n/a) (C; cf. 1B7)(M: upon re-reading the change in context, the Music JTG believes that it is still not clear enough. Also, please note that the phrase, "make a note to indicate" was changed in M to "make a note indicating" according to the "General" editorial directions given above)(MSS has "make a note to indicate"; can't find instruction for "make a note indicating" in the "General" editorial directions)(M; I can live with this)


1B7.3. Chief title. 

  • (B1) "Extend the transcription of the title proper at least through to the end of the chief title of the resource." (S)(G)(C; cf. 1B8.3)(M)(MSS n/a) (M)


1D1. Order and source of other title information

  • (B) Insert numbering before the first sentence and make its own paragraph, per DSG decision 2014-02-28: "1D1.1 Transcribe other title information appearing on the title page in the order indicated by the sequence on, or layout of, the title page." (C) 
  • (B) Insert new rule, per DSG decision 2014-02-28: "1D1.2. If the other title information precedes the title proper on the title page, transpose it to its required position unless it is a grammatically inseparable part of the title proper according to one or more of the conditions enumerated in 1B1.1. When transposing other title information, do not use the mark of omission. Make a note indicating the transposition." (C) (M)

  • (B) Insert new rule, per DSG decision 2014-02-28: "1D1.3. If the other title information appears on the title page preceding or following text associated with another area of the description, transpose it to the title and statement of responsibility area unless it is a grammatically inseparable part of the other area. When transposing the other title information, do not use the mark of omission. Make a note indicating the transposition." (C) (M)

  • (B) Insert numbering before the final sentence and make its own paragraph, per DSG decision 2014-02-28:  "1D1.4. Transcribe other title information not appearing on the title page in a note, if considered important." (C) (MSS n/a)(M, though for all above, this is 1E, and "title page" replaced with "chief source of information")


1D5. Other title information with grammatically inseparable elements

  • (B) Constitutiones legitime seu legative legatine regionis Anglicane : cu[m] subtilissima interpretatione d[omi]ni Johannis de Athon (with thanks to David Woodruff for noticing the example's typo in "legatine." Correct transcription confirmed by numerous OCLC records and a digital imagehttp://titania.folger.edu:8180/luna/servlet/s/hd14vz. Digital image and some OCLC records include the d[omi]ni part, so put that in because even though there might be some editions without it, that couldn't easily be proven.) (B3)(C; but hoping to find map example instead)(M n/a)(G n/a)(MSS n/a)


1E5. Omission of names in statements of responsibility

  • (B1) Optionally, if the responsible persons or bodies named in a single statement are considered too numerous to list exhaustively, all after the third may be omitted. Indicate the omission by the mark of omission and supply “et al.” after it in square brackets a phrase in the language and script of the cataloging agency to convey the extent of the omission. New example: / idee e motti di Giannino Antona-Traversi ; disegni di G. Ardy, A. Bonzagni, A. Cagnoni ... [and 7 others] ; sculture di V. Franco [Approved by BSC 2011.01.24] (G)(C) (MSS) (M)


1E10. Statements of responsibility and following titles in more than one language or script  

  • (B1) Change "and" to "in" in headline (B2)(S)(G)(C)(M = 1F10) (MSS n/a)
  • (B1)(S) Statements of responsibility following titles in more than one language or script [because the first rule deals with a statement of responsibility in just one language; i.e., rule hinges on number of languages/scripts of the title, not of the s.o.r.] (B3)(G)(C)(MSS n/a)


1F1.2. By different persons or bodies 



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