
Area 7 errata

Page history last edited by Deborah J. Leslie 5 years, 4 months ago


  • Rule numbering and titles taken from DCRM(B) first printing 
  • Module code in parentheses before rule number indicates location of original text to be changed; module code after description of needed change indicates that the change has been made in that module; module code after plus "n/a" means change has been verified as not applicable to that module
  • Because subsequent printings are based on an entirely new text supplied by BSC but Cataloger's Desktop is updated manually, there is occasionally a discrepancy between print and online that is to be noted and CD to be given the correction
  • Additions to text are shown underlined; deletions are shown struck through
  • Codes:
    • {B, B1}, B2, B3, B4 = Books, first through fourth printings; "not done" indicates that the intended change was inadvertently not made
    • C = Cartographic
    • G = Graphics
    • M = Music
    • MSS = Manuscripts
    • S = Serials
    • CD = Cataloger's Desktop



7A1.1. Notes qualify and amplify...  

  1. (B)(S) Notes qualify and amplify the formal description, especially when the rules for such description do not allow certain information to be included and are especially important for recording types of information not accounted for in the other areas of the description. [Change approved by BSC June 3, 2011] (G)(B3)(C)(M)(MSS)


7A1.2. Notes, by their nature... 

  1. (B3) Bold rule number (G n/a) (MSS) (B4)
  2. (B) 3rd sentence: "...group together notes which that refer to more..."(B2)(S)(G)(M)(B3)(C)(MSS)
  3. (B)(S) last sentence: add comma after "for instance" per Chicago 6.43 [6.51, 17th ed.]. (G)(C)(M)(MSS n/a) (B3)
  4. (B)(S) last sentence: add em-dash before "for instance" per Chicago 6.43 [6.51, 17th ed.]. (C)(G)(M) (MSS n/a) (B4)


7A1.4. Notes may also be made to justify...

  1. (B3) Bold rule number (G n/a)(MSS cf. 7A1.3) (B4) 
  2. (B) 3rd-4th sentences: Edit text and delete footnote to reference online versions of controlled vocabularies (see also App. B (1XX and 655)): "Prefer the terminology used in controlled vocabularies lists issued by the RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee. [19] Terms from other authorized thesauri vocabularies (e.g., the Art and Architecture Thesaurus Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online) may also be used as appropriate." (S)(G)(M = 7A1.5)(B3)(C: instead, changed phrase to directly cite RBMS Controlled Vocabularies and Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials) (MSS n/a)
    1. [19]These lists include: Binding Terms; Genre Terms; Paper Terms; Printing and Publishing Evidence; Provenance Evidence; Type Evidence; and "Relator Terms for Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Cataloguing. " (S)(G)(M)(B3)(C)(MSS)
    2. M reads:  . Whenever possible, use terms taken from lists of controlled vocabularies when making such notes and added entries. Prefer the terminology used in controlled vocabularies lists issued by the RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee and the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT). Terms from other authorized vocabularies (e.g., Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT), Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online) may also be used as appropriate. 
    3. (B) Changed phrase to reflect C: "Prefer the terminology used in RBMS Controlled Vocabularies or Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials. Terms from other authorized vocabularies (e.g., Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online) may also be used as appropriate." Also removed footnote for 7A1.4. (See also App. B (1XX and 655)) (B4: eliminated "as appropriate." With the continued authorization of new, widely-used vocabularies such LCGFT and Ligatus, language of bindings, the idea of formally preferring RBMS vocab primacy in the rules is awkward.) Footnote text (App. B, 1XX) reflects G's text. Text in App. B (655) now reflects text in 7A1.4, except in final sentence, changed "headings" to "terms".
  3. (B)(S) "Notes may also be made to justify added entries intended for special files indexes of personal or corporate names, titles, genres/forms, physical characteristics, provenance, etc." [Change approved by BSC Dec. 3, 2010] (C)(B3)(B4; changed to reflect G's text)(G except made it "Notes may also be made to justify added entries for subjects, personal or corporate names, titles...")(M)(MSS cf. 7A1.3 except made it "Notes may also be made to justify access points for personal or corporate names, titles...")


7A1.5. In general, notes are not required ...  

  1. (B)(S)(G) Delete reference to 4A4: "... e.g., 1F4, 2A2, or 4A4, and in some of the rules for this area." (C)(MSS cf. 7A1.4)(M)(B4)


7A4.3. Formal notes.

  1. (B)(S) Add comma before "or when their use provides economy of space..." per Chicago 6.18 [6.19, 17th ed.] ("no commas are needed unless the elements are long and delimiters would be helpful" -- this is long, and has "or" several times, in non-parallel clauses). (G)(M)(MSS)(B4)


7B4.2 Partial or complete transcriptions

  1. (B3) Reword example to show a partial or complete transcription, to reflect rule. See DCRMG In progress


7B6.3.1. If a statement of responsibility... 

  1. (B) 1st example: "... See Teerink, H. Swift (2nd ed.), 598" [full citation would be given in separate note per 7B14] (G n/a)(M n/a)(B3)(C n/a)(MSS n/a) (B4: changed comment wording to: "(Comment: The formal citation for Teerink is given in a references to published descriptions note; see 7B14)")


7B6.3.3. False attributions... 

  1. (B) In example: "(see Moore, J.R. Defoe, 511)" [full citation would be given in separate note per 7B14](G n/a)(M n/a)(C n/a)(MSS n/a)(B3) (B4: changed comment wording to: "(Comment: The formal citation for Moore is given in a references to published descriptions note; see 7B14)") 
  2. (B) In example: "... Robert Drury's journal ..."(B2)(G n/a)(M n/a; but using it as "placeholder" until a more appropriate ex. is found)(C n/a)(MSS n/a)


7B6.4. Other statements 

  1. (B) In example: "See Kirkpatrick, B.J. Virginia Woolf, A2a)" [full citation would be given in separate note per 7B14](C n/a)(G n/a)(M n/a)(MSS n/a) (B4: changed comment wording to: "(Comment: The formal citation for Kirkpatrick is given in a references to published descriptions note; see 7B14)"  


7B9.2. Unavailable characters.

  1. (B3) If the gatherings are signed with a mark of contraction brevigraph (a special mark of contraction in continuance of the manuscript tradition) (see 0G8.2, Appendix G3) that cannot be reproduced using available typographical facilities, substitute the spelled out form and enclose it in square brackets. (B4)


7B9.4. Non-conventional Latin alphabet 

  1. (B) In both examples: "(Comment: Indicates Printer used a 24-letter alphabet) (B3)


7B9.9. Greek alphabetic signatures 

  1. (B) RSB note: It would be nice to have a chart showing upper-case letters; the only book I've ever cataloged with Greek signatures had them in all caps; this chart of lower-case equivalents was not useful. Could the same be applied to 7B9.10? (B4: replaced lower-case with upper-case; only applied to 7B9.9, as Hebrew does not use upper-case)(G n/a)(G n/a)


7B14. References to published descriptions

  1. (B), (S), (G?): Revise examples to conform to new SCF as needed, in this section and throughout (C) (MSS) (B4: 7B6.3.1., 7B6.3.3., 7B6.4., 7B7.2., 7B14.1., 7B14.2.)


7B14.1. Give references ...

  1. (B), (S: 7B17.1), (G: 7B12.1): Give references to published descriptions in bibliographies or other authoritative reference sources if these have been used to supply elements of the description. Use the form and punctuation conventions recommended by Standard Citation Forms for Rare Materials CatalogingS tandard Citation Forms for Published Bibliographies and Catalogs Used in Rare Book Cataloging. (C) (M) (MSS) (B4: also removed italics from B3 printing)


7B14.2. Transcribe contents...

  1. (G) Second example is missing its parenthetical phrase. (Other DCRMs: n/a) (B4; rule is now 7B16.2.)


7B14.3. A general note ...

  1. (B) In example, replace "Cf." with "Compare" (B4) 


7B16. Relationship note Relationship to larger units or collections

  1. (G) Information can be recorded in a Host Item Entry instead of a note, see Appendix K3. (M n/a??)(MSS not added cf. 7B6)(B4 n/a)


7B17. Numbers borne by the publication

  1. (B) Headline: "Numbers borne by the publication. Text: "Make notes of any numbers borne byassociated with the publication not transcribed in another area, if considered important" (S; cf. 7B20)(G)(M = 7B18.1)(B3)(C; see also App D)(M; publication replaced by "resource")(MSS n/a) (B4; removed comma before "if" per General Editorial Guidelines)


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