Appendix C errata
Page history
last edited
by Deborah J. Leslie 4 years, 11 months ago
- Rule numbering and titles taken from DCRM(B) first printing
- Module code in parentheses before rule number indicates location of original text to be changed; module code after description of needed change indicates that the change has been made in that module; module code after plus "n/a" means change has been verified as not applicable to that module
- Because subsequent printings are based on an entirely new text supplied by BSC but Cataloger's Desktop is updated manually, there is occasionally a discrepancy between print and online that is to be noted and CD to be given the correction
- Additions to text are shown underlined; deletions are shown struck through
- Codes:
- {B, B1}, B2, B3, B4 = Books, first through fourth printings; "not done" indicates that the intended change was inadvertently not made
- C = Cartographic
- G = Graphics
- M = Music
- MSS = Manuscripts
- S = Serials
- CD = Cataloger's Desktop
Core-level Records
655 field: Genre/form headings
- (B)(S) Prefer terms found in the official thesauri maintained by the RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee ; terms from other authorized thesauri (e.g., the Art and Architecture Thesaurus) may also be used as appropriate. Prefer the terminology used in controlled vocabularies issued by the RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee. Terms from other authorized vocabularies (e.g., the Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online) may also be used as appropriate. [Added by DJL 2011.10.07 based on BSC-approved edits for other sections, e.g., 7A1.4] (B3)(C: n/a; note: AAT reference should not be prefaced by "the"; AAT reference should not be italicized, which it is in B3 even though italics are not indicated here)
- (G) Changed both instances of "AACR2 Appendix A" to "AACR2, Appendix A" to match style used in elsewhere in DCRM. 10/19/14 (C)(M)(MSS)
- (G) Changed "Grammatically independent" to "Grammatically separable" in rule caption to be consistent with wording used in Area 1 and to align with policy in DCRM Editorial Guidelines (General Section). 7/20/14 (C) (MSS cf. C2.3)
- (G) Changed "consists of two or more parts that are not grammatically linked" to "consists of two or more grammatically separable parts" to follow wording used in Area 1 instruction as well as policy in DCRM Editorial Guidelines (General Section). 7/20/14 (C)(M)(MSS cf. C2.3)
Appendix C errata
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