Appendix H errata
- Rule numbering and titles taken from DCRM(B) first printing
- Module code in parentheses before rule number indicates location of original text to be changed; module code after description of needed change indicates that the change has been made in that module; module code after plus "n/a" means change has been verified as not applicable to that module
- Because subsequent printings are based on an entirely new text supplied by BSC but Cataloger's Desktop is updated manually, there is occasionally a discrepancy between print and online that is to be noted and CD to be given the correction
- Additions to text are shown underlined; deletions are shown struck through
- Codes:
- {B, B1}, B2, B3, B4 = Books, first through fourth printings; "not done" indicates that the intended change was inadvertently not made
- C = Cartographic
- G = Graphics
- M = Music
- MSS = Manuscripts
- S = Serials
- CD = Cataloger's Desktop
(M n/a) (MSS n/a)
Individual and special issues of serials
H3.2. Issues with distinctive titles
- (B)(S) Revised to account for the 440 field now being obsolete: "For access to the serial title on a monographic record for an issue that has a distinctive title, transcribe the serial title as agive a simple series statement (440) if the serial title will be traced in the form in which it appears on the piece. If the serial title appearing on the piece is not in the form in which it will be traced, give an uncontrolled series statement (490) and trace it using with a series added entry (8XX)." (G n/a) (C) (B4)
- Changed 1st example from 440 to 490/830 (B4)
H3.3. Issues without distinctive titles
- (B)(S) Insertion to better emphasize difference from H3.2: "... give only a series added entry (8XX)" (G n/a) (C) (B4)
- Established form: Silence, Timothy, $d 1708-1759. (B4)
H3.4.1. General rule.
- (B) 1st example: Add period to "The post boy. $n Numb. 2436 ..." (S)(C n/a)(G n/a)(M n/a)(B3)
H4.3. Special issues within the numbering of a serial
- (B)(S) Revised to account for the 440 field now being obsolete: "Special issues that are published within the numbering of the serial are related to the serial by means of a simple series statement (440) if the serial title will be traced in the form in which it appears on the piece. If the serial title appearing on the piece is not in the form in which it will be traced, give an uncontrolled series statement (490) and with a series added entry (8XX)." (G n/a) (C) (B4)
H6. Linking records for individual issues to the serial record
- (B)(S) 2nd example: Change first delimiter code from $a to $t. Should be: "$t Post boy (London, England). $g No. 2436" (C n/a) (B4)
- Example: Silence is established with dates: Silence, Timothy, $d 1708-1759. (B4)
Appendix H errata
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