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Index errata
Page history
last edited
by krtaylor459@gmail.com 4 years, 7 months ago
- Module code in parentheses before rule number indicates location of original text to be changed; module code after description of needed change indicates that the change has been made in that module; module code after plus "n/a" means change has been verified as not applicable to that module
- Because subsequent printings are based on an entirely new text supplied by BSC but Cataloger's Desktop is updated manually, there is occasionally a discrepancy between print and online that is to be noted and CD to be given the correction
- Additions to text are shown underlined; deletions are shown struck through
- Codes:
- {B, B1}, B2, B3, B4 = Books, first through fourth printings; "not done" indicates that the intended change was inadvertently not made
- C = Cartographic
- G = Graphics
- M = Music
- MSS = Manuscripts
- S = Serials
- CD = Cataloger's Desktop
- (B) Numerous minor errors (mostly in formatting and alphabetization) [most, but not all, corrected in B2]
- (B) "AACR2: relationship to DCRM(B)": II.1, III.2.5, Appendix C3 (245 4XX fields) (B4)
- (B) "AACR2: special collections cataloging": Appendix A8A7 (B4)
- (B) "Added entries": Appendix B4 (7XX), Appendix B5.2, Appendix C3 (7XX). (B4)
- (B) "Added entries: notes justifying": 7A1.4 ... Appendix C3 (5XX) (B4)
- (B) "Authentication code: Appendix C3 (042)" (delete entry) (B4)
- (B) "BDRB": ... Appendix A9A8 (B4)
- (B) "BIBCO Core Records Standards ... Appendix C3" (delete all entries) (B4)
- (B) "Bibliographic level of description": core-level records: Appendix C" (delete sub-entry) (B4)
- (B) "Call number fields, change to ... (050 ... etc.)" (delete entry) (B4)
- (B) "Cataloging source field: Appendix C3 (040)" (delete entry) (B4)
- (B) "Contents notes: formatted": Appendix B4 (505), Appendix C3 (505) (B4)
- (B) "Control fields: Appendix C3 (007-008)" (delete entry) (B4)
- (B) "Core-level records ... Appendix C" (delete entry) (B4)
- (B) "DCRB: VII": Appendix A9A8 (B4)
- (B) "DCRM(B)": differences between AACR2 and: Appendix C3 (delete sub-entry) (B4)
- (B) "Digital reproductions": A6A5 (B4)
- (B) "Dissertations, notes on": 7B13, Appendix C3 (502) (B4)
- (B) "Edition area": core-level records: Appendix C3 (250) (delete sub-entry) (B4)
- (B) "Genre/form headings": X.1.3, 7A1.4, Appendix C3 (655) (B4)
- (B) "ISBN": 8B, Appendix C3 (020) (B4)
- (B) "Incunabula": core-level cataloging and: C2 (delete sub-entry) (B4)
- (B) "Item-level description": core-level records: Appendix C1 (delete sub-entry) (B4)
- (B) "LC/NACO Authority Files": X.1.3, Appendix C1 (B4)
- (B) "LC/SACO Authority Files": X.1.3n, Appendix C1 (B4)
- (B) "Leader and directory values": Appendix B4, Appendix C3 (B4)
- (B) "Levels of description": core: X.1.3, Appendix A4, Appendix C (delete sub-entry) (B4)
- (B) "Levels of description: minimal": ... Appendix A5A4 ... (B4)
- (B) "Library of Congress control number ... C3 (050)" (delete entry) (B4)
- (B) "Main entries": Appendix B4 (1xx), Appendix C3 (1XX). ... (B4)
- (B) "Microforms": A6A5 (B4)
- (B): "Minimal-level records": ... Appendix A5A4 ... (B4)
- (B): "Nonbook formats and 'dcrmb' code": A7A6 (B4)
- (B) "Note area": VIII.2, 7, Appendix B4 (5XX), Appendix B4 (5XX), Appendix C3 (5XX). (B4)
- (B) "Notes: dissertations": 7B13, Appendix C3 (502) (B4)
- (B) "Notes: other title information: 1D1.2-1D1.4, 1D2.3, 7B5 (B4)
- (B) "Notes: references to published descriptions": 7A1.3, 7B14, Appendix C3 (510) (B4)
- (B) "Notes: 'With' notes": 1G8, 7B18, 7B19.1.3, 7B19.3.4, Appendix C3 (501) (B4)
- (B) "Other title information": (B4)
- rearranged subindex entries into correct alphabetical order (B4)
- "notes on:" 1D1.2-1D1.4, 1D2.3, 7B5 (B4)
- (B) "Physical description area": 5, Appendix B4 (300), Appendix B5.1, Appendix C3 (300) (B4)
- (B) "Prescribed sources of information ..." (B4)
- (B) "Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC): C1" (delete entry) (B4)
- (B) "Publication, distribution, etc. area": 4, Appendix B4 (260), Appendix B5.1, Appendix C3 (260). (B4)
- (B) "Required notes": "Description based on" missing from list of required notes (is present in S), i.e., B needs reference to 0B2 (description based on imperfect copy)(B3: inadvertently missed)
- (B) "Required notes: title proper": 1B2, 1B5, 1B6, 7B3.1, Appendix C3 (500) (B4)
- (B) "Required notes: transposition": 1B1.2, 1D1.2-1D1.3, 1E3, 2B7, 2B9, 2C2, 2C3.3, 2C4.3, 4A3.2, 4B13.1, 4C11.1, 6C1, 6E1, 6G1.1, 6H1 (B4)
- (B) "Requires notes: 'With' notes": 1G8, Appendix C3 (500) (B4)
- (B) "Series": added entries: Appendix C3 (8XX) (delete sub-entry) (B4)
- (B) "Special collections cataloging": Appendix A8A7 (B4)
- (B) "Standard numbers": 8B, Appendix C3 (020) (B4)
- (B) "Subject headings": X.1.3, Appendix B4, Appendix C3 (B4)
- (B) "Terms of availability" needs to include 8C (B4)
- (B) "Title access points: for variant forms of title": Appendix B4 (246), Appendix C3 (246) (B4)
- (B) "Title and statement of responsibility area": 1, Appendix B4 (245), Appendix B5.1, Appendix C3 (245) (B4)
- (B) "Title proper: source of": 1B2, 7B3, Appendix C3 (500) (B4)
- (B) "Titles: variant": 7B4, 7B5, Appendix B4 (246), Appendix C3 (246), ... (B4)
- (B) "Transposition: in title and statement of responsibility area: 1B1.1-1B1.2, 1B6, 1D1.2-1D1.3, 1E3, 1E10.3 (B4)
- (B) "Uniform titles": Appendix B4 (240), Appendix C3 (240) (B4)
Index errata
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Comments (1)
Deborah J. Leslie said
at 1:01 pm on Oct 12, 2019
Discrepancies in appearance of underlining between KT and DJL's screens. Make sure that all references to 1D1.2-1D1.4 are underlined
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