
Material-specific changes

Page history last edited by Manon Theroux 10 years, 2 months ago Saved with comment



  • Replaced B's "publication" with "materials"; prefer "materials" over "monographs" or "prints" or other specific term (G)
  • Replaced B's "publication" with "manuscript" (MSS)
  • Replaced B's "publication" with "material" or "resource" depending on the context (C)
  • Replaced standard phrase "publication, distribution, etc." with "publication, distribution, production, etc." when applicable to published and unpublished material [NB. formerly had "creation" for unpublished graphic materials because that's what AACR2 uses in Chapter 8, but AACR2 also uses "production" in this way, as does RDA, and DCRM(MSS) so changed it] (G)
  • Replaced standard words "type", "typography", etc. with "lettering" and other non-specific wording to cover text that is engraved, lithographed, hand-written, etc. (G)
  • Replaced "letters" with "type" or "letterpress" where rule isn't applicable to letters that are engraved, hand-written, etc., e.g. "Transcribe two letters of type used to approximate a third letter as the intended letter. However, transcribe letterpress vv as vv" [i.e. a v and another v; default wiki font doesn't make it easy to see there are two characters there](G)
  • Replaced "added entry" with "additional access point" (and "added entries" with "additional access points"), since the additional access points could be in the context of either a catalog record or a finding aid (MSS)
  • Because there isn't a normal order of information, replaced "Make a note to indicate the original position on the title page of any transposed elements" with "If considered important, make a note to indicate the original position of transposed elements." Although it's not necessary to mention an optional note (because there's no prohibition on making notes) left it in to re-assure book and serials catalogers that although they're used to such a note being mandatory, it's not mandatory here. (G)
  • revised text throughout to indicate that transposition notes are required only for atlases (C)
  • although MSS does not bracket supplied titles, modules dealing with both manuscript and issued-in-multiple resources are maintaining the distinction: supplied/devised information is bracketed; transcribed information is not. (C; clarification regarding area 3: will be treated as a transcription field for serials numbering only; mathematical details provided in area 3 will be normalized and square brackets will not be used for supplied mathematical details)(G)(M)
  • replaced "copy" meaning "a particular instance of an item" with synonyms to avoid confusion with the picture-world's default meaning of "facsimile"(G) Update from G: proved confusing in some situations; selectively put "copy" back, and added a glossary definition.



  • III.1.2. Added "Such descriptions also assist in retrieval of surrogates for such items." (G)
  • IV. Inserted text to reflect DCRM(C) use of term to also indicate situations where an element is entirely optional (1C, 3D). “Optionally” introduces an alternative treatment of an element or an optional element. (C)


Area 0

  • 0C and 0D: one list of chief/prescribed sources will not work for cartographic materials; divided each into two sections (atlases and cartographic materials other than atlases). The rules for atlases mirror DCRM(B); the rules for other cartographic materials differ (C)
  • 0G3.6. changed to cover hyphens used to break words around decoration on a single line, as is common in titles inscribed on early-modern portrait engravings: 0G3.6. Line endings breaks. Do not transcribe a hyphen or other mark of punctuation used to connect a single word divided between two lines or two portions of a line (G)
  • 0G3.6: followed G's lead in changing the caption "Line breaks". Also added a sentence in response to feedback on public hearing draft: "Do not supply marks of punctuation to indicate line breaks." (C)
  • 0G3.7: changed "Use one hyphen for each distinct piece of type" to "... for each distinct mark of punctuation" to account for engraved text, manuscripts, etc. (C)
  • 0G4.1: changed "line-break" to "line break" (C)
  • 0G5.2: revised to add dedications back to the list of things not considered part of any area but also make it a requirement to note them, per DSG meeting 2014-02-28 (C)
  • Added separate paragraph to explain that [sic] and [i.e.] should not be used for deliberate misspellings (which frequently occur in titles of caricatures and cartoons) (G)
    • Deliberate misspellings. Do not correct words misspelled for humorous effect. If considered important, make an explanatory note. Additional title access may be provided (see Appendix F).
      • The Summer Shower, or, Mademoiselle Par, a Pluye
      • Optional note: For "Par, a Pluye" read "parapluie"
  • Added explicit guidance for order and transposition at end of 0G (C) 


Area 1

  • Added new rule (1E3.2) to permit transposition of statements of responsibility from positions on the chief source other than preceding the title proper (e.g. following the imprint) (C)
  • 1D6: changed "belonging" to "relating" because the other title info could include a grammatically inseparable textual scale statement that technically does not "belong" in area 3 (since it is not a transcription area). (C)
  • 1E13: changed "belonging" to "relating" because the statement of responsibility could include a grammatically inseparable textual scale statement that technically does not "belong" in area 3 (since it is not a transcription area). (C)
  • 1F14: added text explicitly saying to use judgment when dealing with statements that contain grammatically inseparable info relating both to area 1 (e.g. engraver) and to area 4 (e.g. printer), explaining that it is common for persons or corporate bodies responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of cartographic materials to also perform roles relating to the publication, distribution, etc., of those materials. Often the layout of the source will suggest the appropriate treatment. (C)


Area 4

  • 4A3.4: added text explicitly saying to use judgment when dealing with statements that contain grammatically inseparable info relating both to area 1 (e.g. engraver) and to area 4 (e.g. printer), explaining that it is common for persons or corporate bodies responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of cartographic materials to also perform roles relating to the publication, distribution, etc., of those materials. Often the layout of the source will suggest the appropriate treatment. (C) 

  • 4A5: broadened to address not just labels but stamps, overprint, and overwrite (C; numbered 4A4 in C)
  • 4A6, footnote 16: "book trade publishing industry" (C)
  • 4A6.3.2: "... or by appearing first in sequence in the source." (S)[EB 2010.06.26: Moved from general errata to Materials-specific changes because am assuming it was made in S because serials have a strong temporal element, so needs to be clear that "first" has to do with layout rather than change over time... but I'm not sure that's it. Can an S editor clarify?] (C)(M)
  • 4B13.1: "... transcribe the statement that appears first in sequence in the source." (S)(C)(M)
  • 4C2: "book publishing trade data" (C) 


Area 5

  • (B)5B4: added text to help clarify the difference between an errata leaf and an errata slip for those unfamiliar with them (C; numbered 5B5 in C)


Area 7

  • (B)7B8: Broadened title: "Publication, Distribution, Production, etc. (C; numbered 7B9 in C)
  • (B)7B9: Moved bulk of instructions on making signatures to separate appendix (C)
  • (B)7B10.3: Deleted instructions on noting hand-coloring in publications issued as such because we indicate these as "hand col." in area 5. (C)
  • (B)7B10.3: Broadened by changing "the illustrations" to "any illustrations or decorative elements" to cover such things as decorative cartouches and compass roses. (C; numbered 7B11.3)
  • (B)7B10.4: Deleted "artist's books" because not likely to be cartographic material (C; numbered 7B11.4)
  • (B)7B12: Split into 4 subrules (C; numbered 7B13)
  • added new rule on notes for dedications (C; numbered 7B14) 



Appendix G

  • G4.1.: changed to allow for text that is engraved, handwritten, etc.:
    • Some knowledge of the history of printing as it applies to the letterforms I/JU/Vi/j and u/v is helpful... (G)(C)
    • A printer's The choice for of the u graph letterform in preference to the v graph letterform..." (C)(G)
    • Conventions varied somewhat from printer to printer person to person... (C)(G)
    • in the pre-modern distribution practice (G)(C)
  • G4.2: changed to allow for text that is engraved, handwritten, etc.:
    • replaced "typeface" with "script" throughout, with choice of "script" vs. "lettering style" or other variant based on standard phrase "language and script of the cataloging agency" (G)


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