See also "Materials-specific changes"
- use "composite atlas" rather than "atlas factice"; although CM uses "atlas factice" and that is the LCSH genre term, no one can agree what the plural form ought to be
- use "bird's-eye view" (per AACR2 and CM)
- use "blueline" not "blue-line" or "blue line" (per CM)
- use "cross section" not "cross-section" (per CM)
- use "hand-colored" but "hand coloring" per DCRM(B) pattern; per CM, use "hand col." in area 5; per Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.) 7.81, use "hand-colored" before a noun but "hand colored" after a noun ("hand-colored maps" vs. "maps are hand colored"
- use "inset" not "inset map" (per CM)
- use "multisheet map" not "multi-sheet map" (per CM)
- The examples in CM show two different patterns for indicating globe mountings in area 5. One pattern includes the word "mounted", the other does not. We will consistently include the word "mounted" (e.g. "mounted on brass stand" rather than "on brass stand")
- singular is "catalogue raisonné" and plural is "catalogues raisonnés" (Merriam-Webster Online, accessed 31 January 2009)
- postcard is one word (per Webster's and as used in AACR2 text)
- CD-ROM is all caps (AACR2 doesn’t prescribe, but uses CD-ROM; both Webster’s Unabridged and Chicago Manual of Style use CD-ROM)
- 35 mm film should have a space after 35 (space in AACR2 and Chicago Manual of Style examples, closed-up in Webster’s 3rd New Int’l Unabridged example)
- nonprojected graphic has no hyphen after "non" (per MARC21)
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