
Integrity of DCRM text

Page history last edited by Erin Blake 11 years, 4 months ago


Basic idea: do not change wording in future modules unless it clarifies an ambiguity, corrects a mistake, or needs changes for material-specific reasons. 

  • Goal: don't want to make cosmetic changes that might lead someone to think there's a substantial change. Rare materials catalogers with the relevant background should be able to move between modules and see only the substantial differences.
  • Note: this doesn't mean that DCRM(B) is the "master" copy as such. DCRM is cumulative. If Serials, Music, Manuscripts, etc., publishes something new that's relevant first, that's the text to use. See and for new text.


Appendixes A through G are fixed, standard, DCRM appendixes, so if you skip one, you have to have a page for it saying it's not used for that module; appendixes from H onward can be reassigned as needed for each module.

  • Note: there is no Appendix I because "I" is reserved for the Introduction.


Can reduce importance of things that aren't as important, but do exist. For example, instead of B's 10 1/2 pages about edition statements, just say "Transcribe edition or edition-like information as it appears, according to the general rules 0B-0G. Include any explanatory words or phrases appearing with the edition statement. Do not supply an edition statement."


To make changes

  • Corrections of typos and formatting errors are considered minor, and need not be discussed; DCRM editors should add them directly to this wiki (and be sure to sign up for notifications of changes)

  • Proposed DCRM changes and discussion topics should be brought to the attention of the DCRM Steering Group, either by sending e-mail to any member (see http://www.rbms.info/committees/bibliographic_standards/dcrm/dsg/dsg.html) or posted to the Steering Group's attention on DCRM-L.
  • A Steering Group member will create a page for the topic on the publicly-visible DCRM Steering Group Wiki at http://dcrmsteeringgroup.pbworks.com and notify other Steering Group members.
  • Editorial issues and changes will be handled within the steering group and posted (publicly) to this Editorial Guidelines Wiki
  • The Steering Group will bring substantive issues to DCRM-L for community discussion before sending a formal recommendation to the BSC for a vote. 


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